© Conner Family Trust, San Francisco

© Conner Family Trust, San Francisco


1967/2004, 8mm/Digital, color/sound, 22min.

Music by Patrick Gleeson

"The original running time for the regular 8mm film would be about 2½ minutes. The final digital edit of the film to tape transfer in 2004 (with original music by Patrick Gleeson) is extended because each picture frame lasts one third of a second: three images a second. It has the character of both a motion picture and a series of still photos. The filming with the hand-held camera created immediate edits in the camera with regular 8mm speed (18 frames per second) as well as one frame at a time." 

– Bruce Conner

With Paul Newman and Dennis Hopper; music by Patrick Gleeson, LUKE is a poetic film document created entirely by Bruce Conner in 1967 during one day of the production of Cool Hand Luke on location near Stockton, California on a country road.