!!Batman Gallery
Batman Gallery!!
Batman Gallery will open on November 3, 1960. You are cordially invited to attend.
Bruce Conner, the artist who did the infamous CHILD, a sculpture of wax, silk stockings and wood, exhibited at the De Young Museum and reproduced in local and national newspapers, will have the inaugural show at the Batman Gallery. His new black-wax and collage sculptures, collages, and paintings show intense grappling with the harmony of pure beauty and the breakthrough to a fiery consciousness of human injustice, and a deep anarchic humor. The show is monumental and extremely shocking. A new lyricism in art.
The BATMAN GALLERY is a new gallery of collage, sculpture and painting. All imitators and “cocktail” painters are banned from showings. Batman Gallery will show only new spirits and the old real spirits themselves.
The public is invite to the Batman Gallery to see an exploration of the new esthetic of art in all of its forms. Its representations are for public sale.
William and Joan Jahrmarkt (pronounced Yarmark) are managers of the new gallery. William Jahrmarkt, a painter himself, will make the choice of exhibits upon the basis of their Strength. All that is bold and contemporary will be shown with the old masters of modern art. The Batman Gallery will bring beauty and aspiration to its exhibits.
Batman will make the exhibitions available for both collectors of contemporary art and those who find themselves stirred by the new beauty.
best wishes from
2222 Fillmore
San Francisco 15, California
Batman Gallery has just purchased the prize winning Batman by Art Grant, and the prize winning Crucifixion by Bruce Conner. A purchase will be made from each one man show – to become part of the gallery’s permanent collection. Collage shows by famous painters will be shown, and shows in strange media. The second show will be a group show.